EE Times Ad Spec Information


Description: Resolution sizes based on top 5 most common screen resolution sizes of online users. The ads are not limited o serve to these resolution sizes only. For example, if a user's resolution size falls between the resolution sizes the ad booked below, the smaller resolution size will serve up.
File format: jpg, png, gif
Dimensions: 1260x590, 1260x625, 1260x845, 1380x720, 1580x870
File size: 200K or less

  • 3rd party listing not supported
  • Flash is not supported
  • HTML creative is not supported
  • No animation

Screen Resolution Actual File Size * Ad space available based on website width of 1058 pixels. Please note is 990 pixels wide. Therefore, the wallpaper ad should display with a slight gutter between the website and image.
1280x768 1260x590 approximately 101 pixels each sides of unit
1280x800 1260x625 approximately 101 pixels each sides of unit
1280x1025 1260x845 approximately 101 pixels each sides of unit
1400x864, 1400x900 1380x720 approximately 161 pixels each sides of unit
1600x1050, 1600x1200 1580x870 approximately 261 pixels each sides of unit

* Forumla to calculate the ad space: (Width of actual image - Layout width ) / 2

