The Channel Company Ad Spec Information

Third Party

Accepted formats for Third Party Rich Media tags are: IFRAME/JavaScript/ATLAS

Accepted formats for standard gif or jpg Third Party tags (HREF, IMG SRC)

Maximum of 10 creatives in rotation per flight

Third Party tags must include clear traffic instructions


Third Party tags are required to set WMODE to opaque

To set WMODE, set param value and embed tag. For example:

<PARAM NAME="wmode" VALUE="opaque">
<EMBED SRC="myflashad.swf" WMODE="opaque">

Supported Vendors

Below is the current list of supported Third Party vendors:

  • Atlas
  • DART
  • EyeBlaster - iFrame required
  • EyeWonder
  • Klipmart- iFrame required
  • MediaPlex
  • On24
  • PointRoll
  • MediaMind

All other vendors will need to be tested and approved prior to campaign launch
