The Channel Company Ad Spec Information

Rich Media Specs

Rich Media placements must be served via Third Party and will not be accepted in any other format

Max File Size: 40K
Max Polite Ad Size: 100K
Max Download Size: 135K with polite download
Flash Version: Up to 10
Max Overlay Size: 40K
Looping: 3 loops 15 seconds each
Max Float time for overlay: 15 seconds *All overlays must be tethered to ad

Expanding Units

Expanding units are required to be user initiated either on-mouse over or on-click

728x90 Top banner expands down
728x90 Bottom banner expands up
160x600 Skyscraper banner expands left
336x280 IMU banner expands in the opposite direction of unit placement on page
125x125 Standard tile ad, but when rolled over the page is screened out and overlaid with a tabbed unit. Multiple tabs, each revealing different page of content.
Expandable Dimensions (pixels):
Ad Size Max Expandable Size
Top 728x90 728x315
Bottom 728x90 728x315
Tile 125x125 640x480
Sky 160x600 400x600
IMU 336x280 640x480

Creative Requirements

  • Flash, flv, gif, jpg, pdf, or png. If Flash file provided, then a backup jpg or gif should be provided. Unit can support video, video should be provided in MP4 format or higher quality and should be larger than the final presentation size. If video files can not be obtain then provide a link to where the videos are playable. Videos are post processed by our team, resized and compressed for web.
  • Sound is required to be initiated by user
  • Clickable mute button is required
  • Close button is required on floating, expanding and push down units


Click to view the video demo
