The Channel Company Ad Spec Information


Dogear Dimensions: 100x75
Peelback Dimensions: 800x600
Formats: gif, jpg, png, Flash, Rich Media
Max File Size: Dogear 100K / Peelback 100K

Materials Deadline

All assets are required 5 business days prior to launch.

Creative Format

The Pagepeel is comprised of two graphic elements, the "dogear" and the "peelback". Both elements are required. Details for each as follows:

  • Dogear File
    • Although the dimension for a dogear is 100x75 approximately 40 of the top pixels are made visible
    • Images wider than 300 pixels will automatically ticker from right to left
    • A buffer of 100 pixels should be placed on either side of the image to allow for a smooth transition. Images less than 300 pixels in width will not ticker
    • Client can provide desired logo to be used as an alternative to dogear file
  • Peelback File
    • All live content should reside in the upper right corner; lower left corner is not visible
    • Client can provide URL of desired landing page as an alternative to peelback file

Creative Specifications

  • jpg, gif or png
    • 72 DPI
    • Standard optimization (no progressive scan)
    • Color Mode RGB
    • Non-animated - not listed on VS
  • swf
    • Version 8 or lower, AS 2.0
    • 30 FPS
    • Sound set to stream
    • Minimal Listeners
    • Click-thru and buttons must be removed
  • Video
    • Video is accepted but required to follow Third Party and The Channel Companys In-Page Rich Media guidelines.

Tracked Metrics

The following metrics are tracked via The Channel Company:

  • Unique Loads
  • Clicks
  • Open: the number of visitors that roll over the dogear to expand the Pagepeel**
  • Rerun: the number of visitors that open, close and reopen the Pagepeel**
  • Close: the number of visitors that roll off the Pagepeel to close it**

**metrics are available per request

See the FAQ for additional details.

Example Pagepeel

Page Peel
